Talk To An Angel — For Real? PART V

Reveal Yourselves. Please.

Thomas Jacobson


[Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV]

Question #7:
“Do not stay hidden any longer, reveal yourselves [angels]. Please. With Love Xxx”

My Reply.
Drawing on the 3500 or so occasions that I went into trance as a medium for Spirit (Dr. Peebles) between 1980 and 1995, I believe Dr. Peebles (whom I consider an angel) might respond to the above question / comment something like this:

Each of you is a spirit who has, by design, incarnated into a physical realm to live amidst others of similar needs and wants. Each of you — without exception — is a student, a student of the Divine, and Earth is your school. Your study is upon illusions of separation held within. Your challenge is to identify, diminish, and dissolve these illusions which, in turn, is a quest for love. It is not a race in time; it is not a competition.

Rather, it is a natural and certain evolution of your heart and soul.

When you look at any other human being you are looking at a fellow student who, like you, is learning from within their own illusions of separation. You are looking at another incarnated spirit who, like you, is upon a study of creativity — the Divine seed within.

To reveal ourselves within your physical world would be inconsistent with our purpose in that we would become the focus, then the distraction. We would become the source for healing, inspiration, and resolution rather than you and yours. The growth of your soul is to heal, inspire, and resolve from within you — sparked and consummated because of the interaction between you and your environs.

That being said, we do indeed reveal ourselves, but through your good works.

When you are in earnest reflection we whisper through windows of your mind as a freshened soft breeze … a fleeting moment and hope is revived, new thought aloft. When you are caring deeply we spark your heart’s hearth … a fleeting moment and love is earned and learned. With your motions of work, your engines of desire, cracks and crevices open across a chasm of space and time. A fleeting moment and we reach out to you.

Our touch, however, is not to bring you to us. Rather, it is to move you another step closer to the angelic within you. It is to inspire you to act from within a greater intimacy with life. It is a journey to the heart. It is your labor of love.

Question #8:
“Are we all angels at some point? Deep appreciation.”

My Reply.
Please read my reply to Question #7 above where spirit tells us that our work is to develop and discover “the angelic within .…”

So I’d say the answer is yes.

There are many different roles within the realm of Spirit (the Heaven’s). As for those angels who directly guide and monitor this realm of Earth? It is, for them, similar to we human grandfathers and grandmothers, and mothers and fathers, helping and encouraging children and grandchildren yet knowing that we must leave them to their own devices … their own learning through direct experience.

My understanding is that to be an angel is never a state of finite perfection. Rather, change is constant. Thus, the need for learning is constant. Dr. Peebles often would say that, “… a master is not one who has finally learned it all. Rather, a master is one who, finally, falls in love with the learning. And forever more.”

Question #9:
“I just know I converse with them daily. Recently, I went to bed rather depressed, but in the morning woke up with a great to-do plan.”

My Reply.
My understanding is that once we enter deep sleep our spirit Self detaches from the physical body. While detached, we can remain ‘right there’ with our physical body or we can travel. Whether we actually move through time and space or, instead, ‘travel’ within our mind, I simply do not know.

From Spirit, I am given to understand that our mind is to be distinguished from our brain. It, our mind, is our Self. It is you and I — within the physical body or without it. Our physical brain is the organ which translates-transposes-transacts on behalf of our mind into and for our Earthly experience. The frequency of our mind is very fine and, when detached from our physical body, is much more responsive to the finer frequencies of thought projected from our friends and teachers in spirit.

Spirit has often suggested that we approach each day as if it is a new lifetime — our Self reincarnated. Continuing the analogy, when we go to sleep at night we are, in effect, dying; releasing that day's experience to our ongoing growth as a soul. When awakening in the morning we are born again — refreshed and revived because of our spirit’s detachment from the physical body and world. Yes, spirit or angels can touch us during our sleep. The ‘new’ ideas or insights we find within our brain, upon awakening, are often our own, the direct result of ‘plugging in’ our mind to the higher frequency of the spirit realms … within which are included our own soul’s memory of previous lives and, too, our purpose in this current lifetime.

The “… great to-do plan” may have been of your own creation per the above or the direct result of one or more beings on the Spirit Side (angels / teachers, friends or family) touching your mind.

It can fairly be said that one technique or ‘thought-form’ for achieving a deeper meditation is — ideally — to achieve the same state as the aforementioned detachment but while conscious … while awake.

Question #10:
“Ok….what about this? If there is a sick baby, let’s say, and 100 people are praying for it; and there is another sick baby that sadly has no one praying, do Angels work harder for the baby that is prayed for?”

My Reply.
No, angels do not work harder for the baby that is prayed for.

That is not to say, however, that prayer is ineffective or irrelevant. On the contrary, Spirit counsels each of us to pray and to do so “as a child of the universe.” In other words, pray with heartfelt vulnerability and without expectation. When we pray we are asking of the higher realms — God or the Gods, according to your beliefs.

The power of prayer is in the transformative effects upon the person in prayer. The person in prayer enters into a more vibrant and tender state of being. A holy state, if you will — regardless of how subtle. And, it is when we are personally more tender that we are more touched by light and life.

In the question above, a 100 people brought a little more shimmering vibrancy into their own person. They brought a touch of healing into their heart and soul.

The above being said, thought does travel, Spirit tells us. The impetus for the movement of thought — apparently — is directly related to the overall dynamics within that thought. Perhaps something like this:

(a) ‘vibrational’ intensity of thought held + (b) clarity of concept held + (c) image of target held (within the imagination) x total time expended on imaged thought (visualization) held = degree of (potential) impact or effect upon target.

For example, let’s say 3 of the 100 people strongly desired to physically ‘send’ light and love to the baby, even to attempt direct healing. While in prayer, they held the face of the baby as a picture in their mind … they clearly imagined a beautiful spectrum of sparkling light going to the baby, even breathed in by the baby and they held that moving picture over many moments, seeing and holding images of the baby responding to the light — skin tone, for example, becoming flush with life — all the while the person in prayer is feeling and holding a vibrancy, a vitality, to the images.

Who’s to say? Spirit seems to suggest that, yes, direct effect can be achieved— modified by the life-soul pathway of all involved, particularly the baby.

However, angels, for their part, are there with both babies, and according to the plan of that soul — with or without prayer.

Though, surely, angels look back and note the goodwill, the light, of all 100 persons in prayer.

Question #11:
“Are you my only angel (as I know I have one), or do I have others at different times that I may not be aware of?”

My Reply.
I don’t know specifically of course. However, my understanding is that we all have several ‘guides’ or ‘teachers’ or ‘angels’ while going through our current incarnation, this current lifetime. This might include friends or family members and more. And, yes, I suspect that each one is much more active at particular times or stages of our life.

I’m sure you have others, then, of whom you are not aware. Think of family and friends in this life. As a child goes through all the attendant events of school including sports and social activities, different family members and friends might show up for different events.

I pray that my replies to these eleven questions (posted on my Facebook timeline, June 5) have in some way helped, moved, or touched you.

Love, Thomas

